Recruiting great people is difficult

FindingPotential is designed to make it much easier for you to recruit great people by applying some science, structure and objectivity to the process. As well as our range of assessments we realise that the interview is still the cornerstone of most recruitment activity, but it is not always carried out as well as it could be.

There has been a lot research into the use of interviews over the years and there is widespread agreement that their value can be significantly limited through inconsistencies in approach. As well as leading to poor recruitment decisions and the associated costs of these, allowing such inconsistencies to enter the interview process can lead to the organisation being at risk of making unfair assessment decisions and damage employer brand.

Using a structured “competency” based approach will help you to:

  • Ensure that questions you ask relate directly to the job for which the candidate is applying

  • Provide you with evidence of where a candidate has demonstrated behaviours relevant to a role, helping you to build a clearer picture of the candidate’s strengths

  • Standardise your approach which promotes fairness.

And that's why we have created this service to help you hold great interviews.

You'll just need 10 minutes

Firstly, choose your competency model:

  • Management & Leadership Roles

    • Eleven leadership and management competencies grouped into three core competency areas of Managing Self, Managing Others and Managing the Business.

    • Click here to view detailed descriptions of the competencies.

  • General Roles

    • Sixteen competencies proven to underpin workplace effectiveness grouped into competency areas of Relationship Management, Execution Focus and Personal Effectiveness.

    • Click here to view detailed descriptions of the competencies measured.

When you are ready, you'll need to fill in a simple form and then complete our questionnaire - the questionnaire is designed to help you focus on the key behaviours that are important for success in the role. You will find it a thought provoking experience.

Once completed, you'll be able to access, download or print your structured interview guide.


Get Started


If you would like an objective evaluation of the people you are thinking of hiring, please use our Personality Questionnaires (and our other psychometric assessments) which link the competencies you will identify for job success with the candidate's preferred working styles.

Trusted by hundreds of the world's best workplaces