Pro, Starter, Free

Access to all assessments & reporting options, unlimited updates and support with all plans.
We'll even add your logo.


Occasional users


Assess 10 people for free per year, one account per organisation.


Unlimited assessments
Your Company Size:


Single annual fee for access to unlimited candidates & assessments*.

* recruitment or staffing company please get in contact




Per candidate

Fee is fixed per candidate, so use all the assessments you need.

* fee is £30 per 360 degree feedback candidate and all raters

Frequently Asked Questions

It has been agreed by psychologists that using multiple assessments results in a significantly better understanding of an individual than just using one assessment. For example, using one ability test doesn’t give any insight into an individual’s behaviour at work. Using just one personality questionnaire won’t help you understand a candidate’s numerical capability.

Using multiple assessments simply gives you the most complete picture. It's common sense and good science. But very few organisations use multiple assessments because our industry makes it impossibly expensive.


Nothing. Just complete the form here and a unique account will be created for your organisation. We'll email you all the information you need to start using the service and we will add on your logo.

Your new account will contain all of the assessments detailed on this website.

Nothing. We only charge you once an assesssment has been successfully completed. If you invite a candidate to complete an assessment and they don’t do it, you don’t get charged.

Nothing. We only charge once per candidate for one completed assessment – you can generate as many reports as you wish.

No. The system is very simple to use and you just need a few minutes to read the user guides. We provide supporting workbooks to help you get the most out of the reports and we provide free user support – so give us a call and you will talk to a real person who is interested in helping. We are also very happy to do some training with you if you wish.

Trusted by hundreds of the world's best workplaces

Fancy a chat?

You can call us on +44 (0) 333 012 4649 or if you prefer please email us on